People's Cinema


Our local library has a vast collection of Japanese and Asian films and two screening rooms. 

You can see rare and good films here at the cost of 600 yen (per an adult per program). If you are careful, you might find some discount options.


In my opinion, this cinema is one of the most lavish theatres in Fukuoka. 

Being almost 30 years old, It is by no means equipped with state-of-the-art (in fact each seat has this mysterious equipment


that you might have encountered on board an aircraft 20 years ago). But designed with plenty of space and built with less cheap-looking materials.


The entire space is very well maintained so it looks almost spick and span. 

I particularly like this lounge-ish space


and this stairwell decorated with chandleries.


What’s wonderful in this space is, probably every original detail has been preserved until today unlike the city’s other aging facilities covered with rust and cracks.


In September I saw a few older Japanese films. The space was packed with grey-haired audience. So grey that I felt I might be the youngest viewer in the room. And I like that they clap their hands when the film is finished. I enjoyed the films of course, but I must say I was more impressed with the space itself. 

[Talk of the Town]


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